취약점 악용 4

새로운 미라이 변종 '머독 봇넷'의 등장과 보안 권고

New Mirai Malware Variant Targets AVTECH Cameras, Huawei Routers New Mirai Malware Variant Targets AVTECH Cameras, Huawei RoutersMurdoc_Botnet used Mirai malware to exploit IoT vulnerabilities, targeting devices globallywww.infosecurity-magazine.com New Mirai botnet variant Murdoc Botnet targets AVTECH IP cameras and Huawei HG532 routers New Mirai botnet variant Murdoc Botnet targets AVTECH IP c..

IIS 웹 서버 대상 웹 셸 공격 및 데이터 탈취 분석

Hackers Deploy Web Shell To Abuse IIS Worker And Exfiltrate Data Hackers Deploy Web Shell To Abuse IIS Worker And Exfiltrate DataAn attacker exploited a vulnerability in the batchupload.aspx and email_settings.aspx pages on the target server that allowed them to uploadgbhackers.com 공격 개요공격자는 IIS(인터넷 정보 서비스) 서버의 취약점(batchupload.aspx, email_settings.aspx)을 악용하여 웹 셸 업로드IIS 워커 프로세스(w3wp.exe)를 통해 원격 ..

2024년 말부터 지속된 IoT 봇넷 기반 대규모 DDoS 공격 분석

IoT Botnet Linked to Large-scale DDoS Attacks Since the End of 2024 IoT Botnet Linked to Large-scale DDoS Attacks Since the End of 2024Since the end of 2024, we have been continuously monitoring large-scale DDoS attacks orchestrated by an IoT botnet exploiting vulnerable IoT devices such as wireless routers and IP cameras.www.trendmicro.com 공격 개요2024년 말부터 IoT(사물인터넷) 봇넷을 이용한 대규모 DDoS 공격 지속 감지주요 공..

GhostGPT – 사이버 범죄를 위한 탈옥된 AI 챗봇의 등장

GhostGPT - Jailbreaked ChatGPT that Creates Malware & Exploits GhostGPT - Jailbreaked ChatGPT that Creates Malware & ExploitsThe latest and most concerning addition to this list is GhostGPT, a jailbroken variant of ChatGPT designed specifically for illegal activities.gbhackers.com 개요GhostGPT는 기존 ChatGPT의 윤리적 제한과 보안 프로토콜을 제거한 탈옥된(Jailbreaked) 챗봇악성 코드 제작, 피싱 공격, 보안 취약점 악용 등의 기능을 제공하여 사이버 범죄자들에게 새로..